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Build custom trading terminals on desktop, web, mobile, smart watches, code strategies in-house, design custom strategy frontends and more using uTrade’s API Kits, which offer a 100% on-demand exposure to the backend infrastructure and internal services so you can leverage uTrade’s ultra low latency backend engine for your trading operations and exchanges connectivity. Our APIs are built with proprietary logics by industry experts with hundreds of man-year experiences, to ensure that the strategy code gets the updated data points through the fastest channels possible, and users enjoy the most stable API kits. Each API is developer and designer friendly, with easy to read and extensive documentation, sample codes, FAQs and live online support available - so you can harness the APIs without any added acclimatization efforts.





Exchange Co-location

Data Center

Private Data Center

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Build anything that you can imagine

Solid Line

Trading Algos

Implement your quant strategy logics and deploy across 100+ global execution venues.

Solid Line

Trading Terminals

Build your own frontends with endless customizations on Web, Mobile and Desktop devices.

Solid Line

DMA & Execution

Manage complete order flow and market data for signals generated by your black box trading systems on 100+ global venues.

Solid Line

Risk Management

Plug in risk management systems with extensive third party systems interaction and data exchange.

uTrade APIs are used by firms across 15+ countries.

Talk to us and explore how uTrade can help achieve your most ambitious trading technology requirements.